1. Why do I have to upgrade my Iowa One Card?
    The University is in the process of upgrading the technology used by the electronic door access readers on campus.  Individuals must obtain Iowa One Cards with the upgraded technology to retain the ability to enter facilities that are electronically secured.
  2. I'm having problems uploading a photo - what can I do?
    Pre-cropped headshots or photos are not made to fit the ID card aspect ratio. You may receive errors when attempting to upload these types of photos. Please select another photo, take a selfie, or come to our office to have your photo taken. You can also try using a different web browser or smart device.
  3. What are the photo requirements?
    You can view our requirements here: https://idcard.uiowa.edu/id-photo-requirements. A white background is not necessary, our application will crop out the background for you.
  4. Can I just use my old photo?
    It depends on the age of your existing photo.  If the application does not give you the option to keep your current photo, that means it is too old and you will have to submit a new photo.
  5. Can I come to the office to have my picture taken instead?
    The card request application is a fast and convenient way to request your Technology Upgrade and choose a photo for your Iowa One Card. However if you prefer, you can come to one of our office locations during normal business hours and we will take your picture and print your new card while you wait. Due to the number of individuals who need cards updated, the wait times in our offices could be longer than normal.
  6. I went through the process - how long will it take to receive my Iowa One Card?
    You will receive a follow-up email once we have printed your ID. Please allow up to 5 business days due to the volume of requests we are receiving. Please allow up to 10 business days if you have elected the card to be campus mailed.
  7. What if I'm not currently on campus?  How will I receive my Iowa One Card?
    If you are away temporarily, you can pick up your new ID card when you arrive on campus.  If you are permanently off campus, or are unsure of when you will return, you may disregard our e-mail.
  8. When will my old card stop working?
    Door readers on campus will be reprogrammed in phases beginning in early 2020. In order to avoid losing access, it is best to complete the process to get a new Iowa One Card as soon as you receive our email.
  9. How long will it take my card to start working after it has been activated?
    Once the card is in your possession and it has been activated, it will take:
    • 10-15 minutes for door access
    • 60 minutes for charging, meal plans and laundry in the residence halls
    • Overnight for Recreation Services, Library Services, UIHC Cafeterias
    • 2-3 business days for UIHC Volunteer Services Gift Shop, Bread Garden and Rooftop Cafe
  10. What if I didn't receive an e-mail?  Do I need to update my Iowa One Card?
    Iowa One Cards created prior to May 9th, 2019 are targeted for replacement. If your card was created before this date, you will eventually receive an email to get a new Iowa One Card.