Be aware, your ID photo isn't just used on your card, it can also be seen by your instructors, advisors and other university administrators, so make sure the photo you submit will make a positive, professional first impression!

DO make sure your photo meets each the following requirements :

  1. Format - Use a digital image file (.jpg or .png), color photo with resolution of 150 dpi or higher
  2. Background - Use a solid, light, neutral color background
  3. Lighting - Make sure light source is in front of you and highlights both sides of your face equally
  4. Head and Face Position - Your head and face must squarely face the camera and be centered in the photo frame
  5. Hair - Adjust your hair so that your eyes and entire face are visible
  6. Pose - Use a passport style pose. Face forward, from your shoulders up to the top of your head must be visible
  7. Expression - Use a natural facial expression facing forward with both eyes open (smiling is permitted)

DO NOT submit photos that are (any of these will result in rejection and you will be asked to submit a different photo):

  1. Poor Resolution - Blurry, grainy, or pixelated 
  2. Digitally Changed - Altered by photo editing software, photo altering apps, filters or AI
  3. Not Original Format - A photo of another printed or digital photo
  4. Poor Lighting - Too dark or have shadows on face; facial features must be clearly visible
  5. Wrong Pose - Angled poses, no tilting or turning of the face or head
  6. Bad Lighting - Overexposed (too bright) or skin tone coloring is not accurate (too blue, red, gray, etc.)
  7. Wrong Attire - Stay away from white shirts, tube tops and tops with spaghetti straps
  8. Headwear - No hats, bandanas, or other head coverings (unless worn for religious or medical purposes)